Centre for Entrepreneurship, organised the Hult Prize competition on Social innovation and entrepreneurship on the campus on 16th November 2017. It is the world’s largest student competition for social good. The Hult Prize was established in 2010 by Bertil Hult, founded by Ahmad Ashkar (CEO) is the annual, year-long competition that crowd-sources ideas from college students after challenging them to solve a pressing social issue around topics such as food security, water access, energy, and education. The Prize is a partnership between Hult International Business School, United Nations and, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The qualifying teams from the campuses pan world go to the regional finals conducted in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, and Shanghai, each spring. The winning student team of the Hult Prize is awarded USD1 million in seed capital to launch their idea as a social enterprise. The final event of pitching is marked by the 12 wonderful teams who have some thought-provoking ideas on taking their steps towards changing the world.